$87.00 USD

Increase sales this WEEK by writing ~10 lines of copy without sacrificing your soul to cringe tactics with the Instant Yes (U.S.P) Workshop. (Seriously)

Learn how to identify & articulate the UNIQUE AF selling actor your offer has to turn lurkers into purchasers.

 That is what this quick (1 Hour) , easy and immediately implementable workshop can do for you.

 Shift the 🌊tides with your next post, DM or email by learning a new way to communicate one of the four selling factors to make your offer a category of ONE in your audience's mind.

Money-Making Bullet Points

  •  How to step into the prolific writer/thought leader/word genius you are [Audio Visualization] (Valued at $33)
  • Stop the Stuck Exercise: (Valued at $29)
  • Turn Up the HEAT-map Walkthrough
  • The Bulletproof Bullet-point PDF & Video Training: (Valued at $149)
  • Money-Making Makeovers:
  • BONUS: Lifetime access 
  • BONUS: 1:1 Copy Audit (valued at $197)

What People Are Saying:

This was the page section that clicked for me to see how this is going to change my next launch so much so that I don't even feel the need to offer applications/calls! I know the page alone will be nurturing enough to hit my enroll goal!
