$197.00 USD

What if you were able to increase sales this WEEK by writing ~10 lines of copy?

The Instant YES (U.S.P.) Workshop will help do just that.

Learn how to uncover & articulate the UNIQUE AF selling factor your offer has to turn lurkers into purchasers.

You've got the offer and the passion.  But you have a feeling there's something missing, in your messaging that is holding back people in your DM's, inbox, website from finally saying "YES". 

You can see your people are abandoning the cart🛒.. and while you know the in’s and out of your offer... the thought of going through an entire sales page rewrite makes your brain freeze🥶 faster than ice cream.

Real Talk: You want to make more, while WRITING less.

Wait, what? - I didn't say doing less like every other course out there?

Nope. Because clear you'll inherently DO LESS once you add in this new way to dial in and learn how to communicate the unique value of your offer that you can apply TODAY.

(template script included 👌)


Get Ready to Strut💃 Away With:

  • A new way to communicate your offer that you can use immediately spike sales interest and re-engage your tuned out👂 audience who’s heard the same promo for it ten times over.
  • Repeatable system to use on ALL your offers in your product suite (talk about a good deal)
  • A post script/DM template that does the heavy lifting + thinking for you
  • Clarity on how to select the most valuable assets of your offer
  • A challenge you can do TODAY to ensure this new promo angle resonates with clients

Silent 'So Close' Pulse

Discover how to activate a quiet or lurking audience into action takers with the 3 Check, Choose & Use Method. The simplest way to approach the 2 money-making metrics that show EXACTLY they need to see next in your sales content, page or DM’s before they buy, without them even uttering a word. 

 What You Get:

  • A playbook style program that that you can keep forever walking you through using the 3 Step Process for entrepreneurs who don’t look at their #’s often (nor really want to). And want the simplest way to approach the metrics that matter to know what your Quiet Audience wants and needs to see when selling before they buy, without them even uttering a word. Created for ANY current sales setup from just IG Dm’s, calls, and posts. This meets you in whatever software set up and season of selling you’re in. And can completed in a day.
  • 1:1 Review on your two chosen metrics so you can confidently write your next sales email/post or take the action knowing you are lining up with what your people need to experience before they buy
  • A ‘What if it doesn’t Work’ Walkthrough: With quick conversion story prompts to help you step away from the ‘panic’ phase and into welcoming your next customer.
    1. BONUS: Your ‘Exhale’ Inducing Metric Homebase aka an easy to digest sheet that walks you through this process. And know clear as day what to double down on without adding to multiple open tabs.
    2. BONUS: Instant Credibility Booster: I’m sharing a conversion boost I use with clients that help ease lead’s ‘on the fence’ behavior on any product, course or group program.

NOTE: This offer is NOT for you if you only sell offline. Meaning you don’t send emails or on social, or have a website. You’re doing great.. but this is not for you, keep doing you!

This is NOT for those want 10 analytics at once from first impression to end, this is focused on 1-2 needle moving metrics tied to how you sell & your current set up. This is not funnel specific, it’s designed with soloprenuers or those with less than 5 employees in mind.