The #1 Type of Ad that Loses You Money [AD SERIES PT. 3] (Episode 72)

podcast episodes Jul 23, 2019


In this Episode…
In this 15 minute training, I go over the ads you should be using to get new contacts on your email list, land paying clients, and even reach your target audience!
  • Why boosting a post is a BIG waste of your money. (And who really sees those boosted posts...) 


  • The steps to take to achieve your goal with an ad. (Step one - manifestation) 


  • When to modify your ad and realize you need to reverse engineer it!
Grab your seat in my free training How to Get CONSISTENT CLIENT Leads while Spending Less than $5/Day with Insta Ads ->
Episode Length: 00:14:45
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With care and coffee,

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