The #1 Thing that is Missing from your Marketing that is Delaying Growth (Episode 62)

podcast episodes May 15, 2019
In this Episode…

In this episode, I go over short term and long term marketing strategies! You’ll hear the inside scoop on how to find the perfect balance between the two! 
  • Why you need to categorize your strategies as short term and long term to maximize your time.   
  • How your fascination with the short or long term strategies you are currently implementing are really impacting your income...
  • Why it’s essential to recognize that you are already visible to your target audience. (Yes, they see you!) 
  • When to look at your social media accounts and realize developing a better connection with your current audience is the best way to convert your followers.
Grab your Space in the Profitable Insta Pillars Masterclass! ->
Episode Length: 00:15:22
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With care and coffee,

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