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Alyssa Rimmer

 Food Blogger + Content Creator

“I have worked with a few strategists before and this was MUCH better. We went WAY more in depth with my buyer personas and I felt like Danielle (and team!) are really focused on our success. The sales messages and profit angles were huge and I think we're really set up for success with this next launch.

On Top of the angles, I got a full review of my sales system as well as an in-depth analysis of my ideal customers and what they really want and need. I walked away feeling much more confident in my delivery! Definitely worth way more than I paid.

If you want to launch something new, get new leads or even just relaunch an existing program, this will help you because it's a full look at your entire sales system to optimize for conversions, not just one piece of the puzzle like you normally get.”

*Note: She also had a 2.5X Sales Increase & CTR Increase


“I always knew in the back of my mind I needed to do some kind of refresh or reboot of the webinar, of the sales funnel. But it all boiled down to time, as that was just ONE aspect of my business. And due to time just kept pushing it off ‘ah I can do next month, or next year’.

Danielle really understood who my audience was deeply - which actually took me by SURPRISE at how deep into the customer you helped me understand better than I did. SHE PUT THINGS INTO WORDS I’VE BEEN THINKING ABOUT SAYING FOR 4 YEARS and even pieces I wasn’t even aware of.’

- Erika Vieira

Founder of Zero to Influence Bootcamp


Ellen Yin

Business Mentor + Marketing Minimalist

“I have never experienced this before from a funnel perspective and it was so nice to be able to talk things out without feeling rushed and with well guided conversation, so the time was well spent..

I loved hearing Danielle’s ideas and going deep into our buyer personas. She really clarifies exactly what stage my dream student is at and what's top of mind for them before they buy, so we can build our messaging around that.

I feel much more focused now on exactly the type of student I'm wanting to attract to this program, and exactly what their fears, desires, hopes and timeline for decision making are!

If you are feeling unclear on your messaging or are struggling with attracting the right students to your course/program, this will help you get laser focused on who you're targeting and more importantly, what makes them take action and BUY!"


Mary Williams, Sensible Woo

Business & Systems Witch at Sensible Woo

Wanted to update her positioning before mastermind launch to help increase resonance and conversions.

Spent the first half of this year asking “what do I really really need to invest in this year. And knew it wasn’t another mastermind. I dabbled in a whole bunch of memberships. As I investigated communities, I noticed I need someone who is good at something she isn’t and realized all her stuff came down to messaging was off. And she couldn’t possibly move to the next thing or launch without addressing it.

Read her interactive case study and video testimonial below

Mimi Boyer

Founder of Happy on Mondays / Business Coach + NLP Trainer

“Before working with Danielle and her team I was doing only organic marketing and relying on Mimi's energy 100% of the time. Right before I said yes, the only hesitation I had was what if the ad spent being too high to justify as my offer is below 1K and as I can say now, that’s definitely not the case.

Once we started working together, Danielle has a super professional and holistic approach where she looks at all documents and makes sure the ENTIRE funnel is working. She truly cares and wants us to succeed together. I would 100% recommend her.

If you are feeling like you rely 100% on showing up all the time to sell and you want to systemize your business so that there's new people interacting with your brand constantly, without you being doing all the labour, this will help you!

One of the biggest wins we’ve had, outside of 40% ROI in the first 10 days was, Seeing my business as a BUSINESS, with a funnel that converts. Sold my very first stranger sale completely out of my funnel. Simplifying the business, looking at it as a numbers game, removing the "personal" from it and truly feeling like a business owner.

After getting 5-6 new sales within the first 2 weeks and signed a 10K package, working with Danielle you will feel  taken care of. As she truly cares and her results depend on yours so I can feel she wants success as much as I want it.”


 Karin Wu

Wedding Planner

I haven't experienced anything like that before to having someone look at my entire funnel to determine what needs to be tweaked. The best part was the insight on the things that need to be fixed, and every part of the funnel was dissected and analyzed. Danielle audits your sales system and determines what are the leaks in the funnel that needs to be fixed in order to have a better sales conversion. 

If you are struggling to have your funnel convert, this will help you because Danielle is an expert at what she does by providing a holistic approach in analyzing every part of your funnel to make sure it runs smoothly and what needs to be improved."


Alcohol-Free Coach, Euphoric AF

“Before working together I was hoping to increase my course enrollment and add thousands of people to my email list since my biggest hesitation was would this pay for itself and then some. And YES it did and I highly recommend her. 

She's so smart and knowledgeable in ads, and has a whole team supporting her. You get the best graphics, the best copy, the best strategy. She's a total pro.

If you're looking to get more students and clients in your courses, Danielle and her team can help you set up smart funnels. I hit my HIGHEST EVERGREEN SALES MONTH YET (60% Sales Increase) WITH HER TEAM. Bringing in 144% ROI within first 60 days.”


Nicole Riccardo

Business Coach

“I've worked with a copywriter before for brand messaging overall, but it was more of a consult like ‘ Let's work together to figure this out.’ I appreciated that Danielle just took everything I talked about and then turned it into something FOR me.

Inside of the intensive session, the questions Danielle asked were really great and it was clear she was really trying to get to the heart of knowing my programs and my people to translate into the funnels.

What really got me was Danielle diving really deep into what my programs are and what sets them apart, who my people are, and what makes them tick...and then she took everything I rambled on about it and turned it into cohesive messaging that will not only make sure my people feel deeply understood, but also that the messaging is all done with the final goal of using it to monetize in mind. HIGHLY recommended for literally any business owner.”

Cailen Ascher

Personal Growth + Biz Coach

“I had never experienced a sales message intensive before, it was really useful and allowed me to dive really deep into the nuances of my ideal client. The questions that Danielle asked were great and really prompted thoughtful responses. We landed on some new ideas and also new ways of saying things that I really liked.

One of the best parts was feeling like now I have a much deeper understanding of my ideal client. I understand what makes her tick and how to best communicate how my content and offers can serve her. This was easily worth four figures with  Danielle reflecting back points that were key and it allowed me to really flush out all the aspects of the women I want to bring into my program.

I loved how she mapped out the profit angles with concrete examples of how to use different approaches to speak to the heart of my ideal client.

If you are feeling like you want to dive deeper into the nuances of your ideal client and communicate to them using concrete examples that really speak to them, then this experience is definitely for you. It’s going to help me have even better resonance with my sales page, my emails, my weekly newsletter copy and of course my Facebook ads, basically any piece of content you’re wanting to drive sales from.”


Jenna Black

Business and Wealth Coach

“I had grown organically for years and got to the point where I required streamlining my sales process to continue scaling. 

I loved the holistic approach to everything, making it super easy on my behalf to get the ads set up. It really is a high level of service and Danielle is amazing at keeping me updated and breaking things down for me in a way that makes sense to my creative brain!
Highly recommend if you're at a stage in your business where you're ready to scale but you simply can't do it all yourself, working with Danielle will help you to maximise your reach and impact without adding more to your schedule.
I've seen an increase in community growth on both social media and my list which has been amazing, and I'm loving the new customers coming through my freebies and entry level offer."
Note from Danielle: We were able to help bring in dozens of sales to her Self Liquidating Offer and hundreds of new leads.

 Sahara Rose

Bestselling Ayurvedic Author + Podcast Host

“Danielle is SO knowledgeable about online marketing, FB/Insta Ads and profitable strategy. She got my at to under $.80 per NEW LEAD which is very unheard of in this industry!

I am truly marveled by her extensive knowledge and rare blend of creativity and the technical, I would 100% recommend her!”

CLIENTS TELL ALL: What It Was Like Working with Danielle


Fabiana Nilsson

Business & Copy Coach for Established Entrepreneurs

I currently have a successful business offering DFY copywriting services, but wanted to pivot to coaching services (as I had been offering them behind-the-scenes already). The challenge I had was that my DFY services were constantly booked out on referrals alone, so I hadn't been putting any effort into my own marketing. And that needed to change in order for me to proactively shift the focus from DFY to coaching, instead of just waiting for coaching referrals to pick up.

Danielle was so supportive and understanding as the time we worked together, I struggled with personal issues that significantly affected my focus as well as my goals, and Danielle went the extra mile to adapt her services to my needs (both in the timeline of our engagement and the actual support I got from her).


I would 100% recommend her, especially if you feel unsure how to communicate and how to attract sales, this will help you because Danielle is really good at digging deep and asking the right questions to unearth your gifts and figure out how to present it in a compelling way.

I'm so much more clear on how I want to work with, and what makes me different from other coaches. It was really refreshing that she respected my boundaries around social media, and helped me brainstorm ways I can structure my marketing that felt good to me.


Health & Fitness Coach

“I was excited to work together! I had expectation of her walking me through everything I needed to do for my launch.

The best part was the launch calendar and outline of exactly what to do and when. The 1:1 calls as a supplement to the calendar was super helpful. Along with your help with content. Reviewing my landing pages, copy & emails. Your knowledge & expertise in this areas was so impressive.

With over 67% conversion rate on sign up page, 60 challenge participants in the first four hours and hundreds of signups!  Hitting a High 4 Figure Launch for her group program.
I really enjoyed all of Danielle's support and quick responses and honestly got everything I needed from it!"

Marissa Lawton

Mentor helping Therapists create side income

“Before I worked with Danielle my business and marketing was all organic so the biggest hesitation was if ads would work for me.

The best part (outside of the 148 new cold leads into my summit) was being able to see the numbers and seeing it all broken down to show it was proof that things were working.

Note from Danielle: Once we dialed in her lead gen, we focused on her upcoming program launch that hit over $112,000 and sold out her spots days before closing cart.

Danielle knows the technical piece and the strategy well and I would recommend her."


Lee Chaix McDonough

Business/Mindset Coach + Author

“I was a one woman shop, knew it was time to explore using ads and scale my business with support to do so.  My only hesitation was: would my investment in ads and in ad strategy be worth it?

And with Danielle, I increased my email list by 33% in 3 weeks! She is smart, thorough and really cares about her clients.

Note from Danielle: We went into priming and growing her audience before her membership launch which ended up creating a 1196% Return On Investment. Hitting her highest launch for that offer.

She knows how to explain complicated ad strategy in a clear way,  and does everything she can to optimize ad results, and consistently outperforms.”


Kim Foster

Business Coach for Wellness Professionals

Before working with Danielle, I was growing my business strictly through organic marketing, and things were going very well, but I was ready to scale and grow even more through paid ads and paid traffic. I wanted to be sure I had all my ducks in a row and my organic system optimized before turning up the volume with paid ads.

So grateful for Danielle for her willingness to walk me through all the inner workings and nuts & bolts of my ad strategy! I'm geeky that way and love to learn and she has totally accommodated that tendency. Plus she's totally on her game and knows exactly what she's doing!! :)

If you are looking to go from good to great, in terms of results in your business, and ready to expand your reach — without having to spend a ton of time doing it — then this done-for-you service is perfect for you."


Vocal Coach for Singers/Songwriters

Before working together, honestly, I thought it would be a lot easier than it was to get comfortable with the Ads process. Which makes me feel even better knowing that I chose to work with Danielle instead of trying to do it completely by myself.

After working with Danielle who helped reposition my landing pages too, my ads finally got approved! I now have a much better understanding of why ads get disapproved and am already much more confident that I can pin-point and solve this problem in the future with more ads.

I highly recommend this process for anyone who is wanting to benefit from trying to scale their ads, even if you want to outsource. Danielle was patient and helpful and she helped me through the challenges of a true Do it WITH you experience. Danielle’s guide and support through this hands-on experience gave me true confidence that I can do this and do it well on my own or hire or outsource.


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