3 Marketing Truths that Experts Aren't Telling You (Episode 64)

podcast episodes May 28, 2019
In this Episode…

In this episode, I go over 3 marketing myths that every entrepreneur needs to know about! These myths can help you have immediate results and transform your business! 
  • Why I ditched the traditional ‘sales call’ and how it completely transformed my thoughts in regards to client outreach! 
  • Why it’s essential to find a business coach who knows how to break down the marketing lingo for entrepreneurs. (Seriously, you don’t need a black belt in marketing yet. Work your way up to it!) 
  • Do you realize just how ‘techie’ you are? (You have a computer and a phone, right?!) 
  • All the elements that are essential in a funnel that will convert NOW, not in the near future!
Grab your Space in the Profitable Insta Pillars Masterclass! ->http://bit.ly/profitig
Episode Length: 00:16:08
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With care and coffee,

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