Transform your lackluster“What’s Included” to have leads confess...

 “What’s Next, I’m in” 🤩 

Transform your lackluster

“What’s Included” 

to have leads confess... 

“What’s Next, I’m in” 🤩 

  Reduce indecisive DM’s and endless email list lurkers

from turning your “what you get” 🥱section into the anxiety-melting turning point they need to curb hesitations and draw them into BUY. 

Without succumbing to cringe sales copy tactics that are dripped in fear-based terms with zero nuance of the human experience


This section one of the most OVERLOOKED and UNDERUTILIZED sections on your sales page that can help *literally* make you more sales without changing anything else about your current offer or sales getting them more invested in their soon-to-be 3D vision while calming any nagging on-the-fence objections your FAQ just can’t do. 


After analyzing over 300+ heatmap recordings,

I can confidently say the 

‘what you get’ section

is the 3rd MOST looked at 👀 page section outside of price and testimonials because everyone wants to know whats in it for them.


On average, most consumers (even the fastest to buy) will re-read the 'what's included' section 2-3+ times to help calm any buyer anxiety. With a LIVE example + tutorial inside MMBP on how to see yours ➡️


So why aren't we optimizing this section to do that?

Find out inside this value-packed program how to restructure and rewrite your ‘what you get’ section from a conversion & nurturing perspective that goes beyond ‘so that’ language and into the heart of addressing the 20% not being said on your FAQ or sales page.


Raise your virtual 👋 if selling your offer this happens…

👋 You open up your laptop to write or revamp your last enrollment email feeling excited and a bit bored with your email if you’re honest. Reusing the same pitch said in the same way that your people have heard it at least 3+ times now. Wondering ‘ugh it doesn’t hit the same way it used to but I  know my offer is killer’.

👋  When you go to hop on a DM | Call | Voxer Chat (because selling can look like anything now a days) and are unsure what to highlight and position in your current offer details to help soothe the indecisive ‘I love what you have to offer but….’ answer.

👋  Hyperlinking your offer for the 20th time knowing the more your people see it, the more likely they’ll buy right? It’s just about hitting that glorious 10th impression seeing it to be warm enough to buy..right?

👋 Waist deep in a launch seeing your emails getting opens and clicks but can’t figure out what’s not connecting to bring in more conversions.

Howdy! You’re in the right place.


This program is designed to have you wake away with:

⭐️ Laser-focused Confidence knowing at any point in your selling process or launch you have a framework to understand what your audience is currently dropping off from heat map and pulse check tests.

🌟Polished and lurker-erasing offer details that hone in the unspoken objections they have but don’t know how or feel open enough to communicate them just yet.

✨A renewed sales writing process that heals your past experiences of obligation-filled heavy ‘sit down and write’ rheotoric. While creating new neural pathways to ensure this isn’t just a one and done experience for you.

⭐️More conversions & offer interest from your current & new audience like one offer did that ended upselling someone at a 49% increase who bought happily with no calls or no Q’s and no sales page for the offer (YES this can work even if you don’t have a ‘traditional’ sales page) Or Another offer that brought in 4 new sales within 72 hours from finally understanding how to position and reshape the pieces that you already have with.

🌟A system you can use with your entire product suite’s ‘what you get’ section so you can sell more from any offer in your list - TALK ABOUT VALUE 👀


And with that I Introduce You to...

Get Ready to Strut💃 Away With:

  • How to step into the prolific writer/thought leader/word genius you are [Audio Visualization] (Valued at $33)
    • The biggest thing that stops business owners from writing outside of knowing ‘what to do’? IS ACTUALLY DOING IT. So I’m taking out ‘sit down and write’ hustle talk and helping you tap into the part of you that is already a prolific writer. The part that has a TON to say and just needs to be pointed in the right direction to say it. (FYI: If you think ‘I don’t have much to say’, the real truth is you have SO much to say that you don’t know where to start inside of all those thoughts/ideas)
  • Turn Up the HEAT (Heat Map & Customer Recording Software Tutorial) (Valued at $69) This will take out the guesswork of what is off in your current offer details from getting your people to invest. With a free tool that you set up in minutes while I walk you through exactly what to look for.
  • Stop the Stuck Exercise: (Valued at $29) An exercise I walk you through for any time through this process you feel ‘stuck’. From overthinking the words you’re saying to ‘will my people get this’ to ‘is this even that good?’ To calm and confident while you get out of your overactive mind and back into your body.
  • The Bulletproof Bullet-point PDF & Video Training: (Valued at $149)
    • This is where the goods are held. The two exercises I use to help all my clients elevate their deliverables from ‘ok’ to ‘OH HELL YEA’. Included with examples, where it could be placed on your sales page and what it can be used for outside of just this section. Because I believe our copy is meant to work for us more than just living in one section of our page.
  •  Money-Making Makeovers: (Valued at $29) Let me take you behind the curtain to see what we did with to clients in two different industries and offer types so you can see how its created LIVE.
  • BONUS: Lifetime access (Valued at $97) so you can use this for ALL your current and future offers. How epic of value is that?!

Once you tap into what aspects your people need to buy while making the offer sales copy match up with whats missing in the market…

✨let’s just say it’s lead conversion magic✨

Become a champion for what they need rather than waterboarding them with ‘PDF and 2 calls a month’ details.


Want all this above along with a 1:1 Audit + Rewrite Session from Me?

Click below for MMBP One Pay option where you get all the information along with personalized support at the lowest price can't get in any other program. (Valued at $197) 

*This ALONE is worth the price and more to know you are on the right track with my eyes to audit while helping rewrite and elevate portions of your offer details for you.

And to answer the question: "does this only work if I have a course/infoproduct?" nope.

The only prerequisites to this program are:

  •  you have AN offer already created
  •  and you’ve sold it/promoted it multiple times so you can start to see some the patterns on what to change (I’ll walk you through inside where to look)
  •  and you've tried & are tired of the outdated and very stale ‘so that’ statements or copy formulas every launch program has taught
  •  you want to convert more of your offer to your existing or new audience


To give you a look on who and what offers MMBP serves check out a few of our students:

  •  Jackie joined MMBP to use to elevate her course sales page offer details before her next launch
  •  Lucille, joined MMBP to make her 1:1 Coaching Service even more killer
  •  D.B. joined MMBP to use this for their product page
  • Vivian joined MMBP using this for Group Coaching/Mastermind program
  •  Gretta, joined MMBP using this for her membership program
  • Anna, joined MMBP using this for her 1:1 service
WOW I'm so IN! I'm ready to optimize my offer details for more conversions.

Take a 👀Look Inside⤵️


How Your 'What's Included' Offer Detail Section is Meant to Feel like for your people ➡️

Feel free to listen while continuing to read :)

This Sounds Rad... But Who Are you?

Hey! I'm Danielle :) Been helping scale dozens of 6 to 7-figure+ entrepreneur offers over the last 5 years sustainably & gross manipulation tactic-free.

And after spending the first few years focused on ad management for well-known female entrepreneurs through their 5 figure ad spend launches or 8000+ customers sold evergreen funnels I noticed specific trends on why some would not reach their goal even with ads set up nearly identical to their competitors.

It wasn’t for lack of funds... but lack of resonance in their offer’s message and sales pitch. Where now I blend energetics in the context of scaling & messaging with my in-depth knowledge of conversion marketing techniques so that you can make more without spending, doing, or writing ;) more.

I address the core pieces most one-off sales copy or funnel programs don’t teach paired with the lens of FUN & FULFILLING because once you fix pieces like this offer, ANY strategy can work.

I'm on a mission to make ease, freedom & play not just the goal outcome but felt through the whole process from beginning to end.

Ready to join in?


Quick Check before You Invest⤵️

I want to make sure that if Money-Making Bullet Points is caught your eye, that you join eyes wide open. Meaning I wanted to share with you part of the welcome video for this program on my principles for marketing/conversion optimization that I bring into every program or service I offer. If these connect with how you're wanting to market (aka not robotic or hustle-y you're in the right plate)

Video Poster Image
Yes, I'm so In with this!