🔔 Price Increase 12.30.23 -- 3 Spots left for 2023! 🔔

YES! You're Speaking My Language.

Your audience is quietly craving your offer…

Buuut something(s) standing in the way from them seeing it as a no-brainer purchase. 


When you try to talk about your offer you just end up in a pile of words with no clear focus on what your people need to hear to buy.

  • Seeing the few responses back saying “I love your work,  I'm not going anywhere, but not right now, not this year.” 
  • Sparking more frequent thoughts like ‘what if they don’t like me’ ‘what if i suck at this’ mental drama.

To sell more it starts here, with aligning your offer's sales pitch and promotion to what ignites your leads deepest unspoken desires to buyso that you can make your sales content, convos or calls turn into pure money-making magic.  


The Offer Improvement Session is your ticket to…

  • Experiencing the RELIEF of a messaging strategy from a "mad scientist & word sherpa" to convert the quiet but interested part of your audience.

  • Let out an internal exhale as your leads instantly grasp your offer, even before diving into the details. No more being only your paying client’s well-kept secret.

  • Watching your confidence soar as you effortlessly engage in posts and DM conversations with a fresh, compelling sales angle that revives past fence-sitters.

  • Taking pride and excitement in sharing your offer URL, knowing that its life-changing value is crystal clear to your leads.

  • Freeing up your mental space, no longer spending mental calories trying to come up with new ways to talk about your offer that your people haven’t heard for the 3rd or 14th time. Instead, infuse the topics you want to be known for, spoken in a way that truly resonates with your audience.


Ready to uncover what’s creating the pattern of 'not right now’ or lack of responses?


You know its not the real reason after coming up over and over.

They just don't see the true value, or benefit (YET). And the more you look at your messaging you see it's not fully showcasing the way it needs to resonate and incite action.


It's time to reach your next-level # of customers lives changed WITHOUT stressing on why it's not connecting and trying to play the social media algorithm game.. or worse, take it to heart and feel less connected to your people or soul's passion with the Offer Improvement Session. 

The Offer Improvement Session

Get Support from a Marketing & Messaging Expert who’s supported dozens of multi 6 and 7-figure entrepreneurs increase their sales up to 60%, retiring their husband from revenue made in 8 months and making fun/ease a first tier priority. All while blending it to fit the low energy, low time, squirrel brain, multiple-hat entrepreneur.

The Offer Improvement Session includes:

  • 75 Minute 1:1 Audit &  Strategy Session: A zoom call beginning with an external audit of your offer sales page, analytics, and internal/emotional audit.To gain clarity on what your audience needs to experience in your offer pitch & from you to curb hesitations and draw them to BUY. (Valued at $597)
  • ⏱️ ''What do I change' Report:  A step by step checklist of EXACTLY what to change for you to implement after our session to increase offer interest this month. (Valued at $450)
  • 'Action Amplifier' Voxer Check-In:  After one week of receiving your tailor-made 'What do I change' report you’ll choose ONE key action to test and implement. For us to review and fine-tune for maximum impact. With the 'Action Amplifier,' you're not just learning; you're doing.  It's the perfect way to ensure that your investment in the Offer Improvement Session delivers tangible results. (Valued at $197)
  • Any templates or resources mentioned that would benefit you.
I'M IN FOR 2 PAY OF $500!





“I currently have a successful business offering DFY copywriting services, but wanted to pivot to coaching services (as I had been offering them behind-the-scenes already). The challenge I had was that my DFY services were constantly booked out on referrals alone, so I hadn't been putting any effort into my own marketing. And that needed to change in order for me to proactively shift the focus from DFY to coaching, instead of just waiting for coaching referrals to pick up.

Danielle went the extra mile to adapt her services to my needs (both in the timeline of our engagement and the actual support I got from her).

I would 100% recommend her, especially if you feel unsure how to communicate and how to attract sales, this will help you because Danielle is really good at digging deep and asking the right questions to unearth your gifts and figure out how to present it in a compelling way.

I'm so much more clear on how I want to work with, and what makes me different from other coaches. It was really refreshing that she respected my boundaries around social media, and helped me brainstorm ways I can structure my marketing and messaging that felt good to me.

Fabiana N.

Is your offer right for this Improvement Session?

Check out the 3 main offer types we help offers to sell more without changing anything inside their offer itself.

The Fresh Arrival (New Offer)

You’ve got an exciting new offer freshly created and want to have it soar from the start. The question is…Is your new product ready to hit the market? Ensure a powerful launch with sales positioning & messaging guidance that transforms your pitch into a conversion magnet.

OR You might be eyeing a new level tier of clientele and desire to fine-tune your positioning so it calls them in for you.

YES! That's my Offer

The Sales Reviver (Struggling/Stagnant Offer)


Your existing offer is a labor of love, but lately, sales have been quiet.

Let’s breathe fresh life into your message by helping you articulate your offer in a way that sparks renewed interest and urgency among your audience, igniting the desire to buy.


YEP! That's my Offer

Time-Tested Gem 

(Existing Product Refresh)

Your offer has a solid sales track record, but it’s time for a fresh take (or two).

Inside the session, we will infuse new sales angles and captivating strategies into your copy, captivating both returning customers and newcomers alike.


YES! That's my Offer

Psst...You're in good company. Mary started our work together in the Offer Improvement Session offer before deciding to continue for another 3 months. Hear what she had to say:

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 What can you expect to strut away with from the Offer Improvement Session?


  •  A fine-tuned, irresistible focus for marketing and promoting your offer. I'll walk you through insightful questions that open up fresh and compelling ways to present your offer, while ensuring it connects with your soulmate type audience – the kind that is filled with ideal clients. You'll feel confident that your message resonates perfectly.
  •  Crystal-clear clarity about what makes your offer extraordinary and the exceptional value you bring to others inside. Sometimes, you’re too close to know how to speak about your secret sauce that make you the first choice to your customers. That's where I come in, helping you step back to see beyond the trees into the high level forest as Mary mentioned above.
  •  A surge of confidence in attracting those long-term, loyal customers to you. You'll shed overthinking that comes when rethinking your offer and step away with a revived passion that you get to go beyond fix basic copy or pages that weren't even bad to begin with because you found approach that looks at your offer holistically. From page layout, copy to data, to the soul of the offer.

"This sounds like what I need but do you only work with a certain niche i.e. just business coaches/course creators?"


I was chatting with a potential now new Offer Improvement Client in the DM’s and she brought up this great question. We chatted back-and-forth about what was going on in her business, how I might be able to help. Offering if they want any client examples that are more fitting for your business, I can share them. Something I offer for anyone who has not been in my world for a while or is an avid research type.


TBH: I've made this answer kind of hard for people to find on their own. As even though I have an entire results page that you can check out of people who got an amazing results. A lot of them are business coaches are course creators. And I haven't updated my results page in a while since I've been more focused on providing stellar service.

Here are niches that I can remember I've worked on helping them to sell more with better positioning and messaging:

*Other Niches I've Supported Not pictured:

  • Stress & Self Care Management Coach
  • Money Management Coach for Mom's
  • Startup Coach
  • Grant Writer
  • Makeup Expert
  • Breath-work & Hypnosis Facilitator
  • Channeler & Psychic Medium

Want to Peak at How this Works? 

Check out a snippet of a Offer Improvement Session and Action Dashboard Example that is just the tip of the iceberg.

WARNING: Major a-ha's happen in these sessions :)

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 “This was exactly what I needed to help me understand the nature of sales copywriting as a whole and especially how to put the messaging into my sales materials and how I can bring forward what I want to convey.

Along with the work we did together, I now have a bank I can use for my sales posts and emails which is so valuable. And I'm gonna have someone come in and take over my blogging so I can just give this blueprint  because that's literally everything. You know, my brand's voice like my ideal clients, all the work that we've done so it's just so invaluable that they're going to be able to really understand and be able to kind of understand what my voice is.

I actually saw an immediate response after when I posted about a new offering that had really good response, and had more people come in from that post than I did from that live video that I did not grow. I had seven or eight join, with this it was a new technique I never tried at the end of the post, which meant people read through the post, to actually get to the end, which is really cool and can’t wait to use this to grow even farther.”


- Anastasia L.