End of Summer 2024 Spots Available!

Grow beyond Organic-Only Customers Confidently 

and Cost-Effectively

with Positioning and Funnels for Cold Traffic that MOVE people like poetry. 

Grow beyond Organic-Only Customers Confidently 

and Cost-Effectively

with Positioning & Funnels for Cold Traffic that MOVE people like poetry. 

sales funnels & messaging for personal development brands: coach, course creator, e-commerce, kajabi expert
sales funnels & messaging for personal development brands: coach, course creator, e-commerce, kajabi expert

Is Your Positioning Keeping Pace with Your Business Growth?

You’ve done the heavy lifting of creating a growing business that is changing lives and hitting sales milestones while staying true to your core values …and vision board. 


But as you scale with paid ads, speaking gigs and press, it's easy for your offer to get lost in the noisy feed.


Don't let your perfect-fit customers slip away to lesser products with clearer messaging. Make your message the highlight of their daily scroll and your offer their next must-have purchase.

Be able to confidently introduce and scale paid advertising or content channels like Youtube, Pinterest or PR without worrying about all time and money spent on new traffic not converting


The conscious, discerning customers see through outdated messaging,

stale copy and hollow emails or funnels created two launches ago.


That’s where Cold Traffic Conversion Rate Optimization comes in. 

 Combining ethical buyer behavior data and cold audience strategy to create messaging & scale funnels that increase conversions of both organic and paid ad leads and sales. 

Messaging that moves people like poetry while staying true to the brand, even as the world changes around it.


To cement your company as an industry leader while attracting in brand new buyers as you shorten the purchase timeline. 

Get Started

Be able to confidently introduce and scale paid advertising or content channels like Youtube, Pinterest or PR without worrying about all time and money spent on new traffic not converting


The conscious, discerning customers see through outdated messaging, stale copy and hollow emails or funnels created two launches ago.


That’s where


Message & Funnel Scaling comes in. 

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 Combining ethical buyer behavior data and cold audience strategy to create messaging that increases conversions of both leads and sales. Messaging that moves people like poetry while staying true to the brand, even as the world changes around it.


To cement your company as an industry leader while attracting in brand new buyers as you shorten the purchase timeline. 

Get Started
sales funnels & messaging for personal development brands: coach, course creator, e-commerce, kajabi expert

"Danielle really understood who my audience was deeply - which actually took me by SURPRISE at how deep into the customer you helped me understand better than I did. SHE PUT THINGS INTO WORDS I’VE BEEN THINKING ABOUT SAYING FOR 4 YEARS and even pieces I wasn’t even aware of."

- Erika V. | Founder of Youtube Bootcamp

sales funnels & messaging for personal development brands: coach, course creator, e-commerce, kajabi expert, kajabi sales page template

“I have worked with a few strategists before and this was MUCH better. We went WAY more in depth with my buyer personas and I felt like Danielle. The sales messages and profit angles were huge and I think we're really set up for success with this next launch. Definitely worth way more than I paid."

- Alyssa R. | Simply Quinoa

sales funnels & messaging for personal development brands: coach, course creator, e-commerce, kajabi expert, kajabi sales page template

"If you are feeling unclear on your messaging or are struggling with attracting the right students to your offer.

This work will help you get laser focused on who you're targeting and more importantly, what makes them take action and BUY!"

- Ellen Y. | Cubicle to CEO


We Are A Good Fit If... 

sales funnels & messaging for personal development brands: coach, course creator, e-commerce, kajabi expert

You have a misson-driven personal development, product, or wellness business 

that grown to the point you recognize the need for strategic support to update your initial vision, and product market positioning ensuring it remains relevant while evolving to meet the demands of today's market.

sales funnels & messaging for personal development brands: coach, course creator, e-commerce, kajabi expert

You're gearing up to expand your reach with paid advertising or new content channels

like YouTube, Pinterest or PR. Or have already started but wanted to have the cold traffic efforts perform better without compromising the soul of the business. Aiming to double your business revenue in the next 3-5 years.

sales funnels & messaging for personal development brands: coach, course creator, e-commerce, kajabi expert

You have multiple offers and want each to be unique enough to become a household name but cohesive to the overarching brand mission for each funnel attached.

To attract a fresh wave of brand-new buyers that feel led and understood through each advert, page, and email copy. To make sure it runs smoothly as each scales and know what needs to be improved.

Sound like you? Click Here to Get Started

💼Client Case Study

‘Maybe Next Year’ Responses

I'll show you the exact process on how we shifted this common response in the free interactive client case study. Included is before / after sales pages, internal symptoms it was time for updated messaging  and  actionable prompts. 

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This work has been able to...

sales funnels & messaging for personal development brands: coach, course creator, e-commerce, kajabi expert, kajabi sales page template
sales funnels & messaging for personal development brands: coach, course creator, e-commerce, kajabi expert

This data is generated from multiple clients, illustrated as a helpful guide. Results can vary depending on individual - there is no guarantee of specific results.


sales funnels & messaging for personal development brands: coach, course creator, e-commerce, kajabi expert, kajabi sales page template

 The (For Real) Fact-Backed Success

Cold Traffic Conversion Intensive

Produce faster conversions from first time buyers in 3 weeks with this done for you intensive.

Using customer-driven data to discover your flagship offer’s most profitable positioning for new audiences. Transforming your product or sales page copy and design to reflect the top choice your product is for hesitant newcomers. 

With testing to ensure proof-backed validation before scaling more time and money. So your cold traffic efforts (from paid ads, press, SEO, Youtube, collabs etc) perform better while spending less.

3 Key Deliverables You Walk Away With:

  • YOUR Product’s Custom Cold Traffic Positioning Playbook 
  • Newly updated High Converting Sales or Product Page PLUS Above the Fold Home page section that easily converts interested buyers
  • Your Specific Cold Traffic Source Validation Strategy and the metrics to know it works

Click the section below for more details and pricing.

sales funnels & messaging for personal development brands: coach, course creator, e-commerce, kajabi expert, kajabi sales page template

Bespoke Funnel Services

For businesses who haven't updated their funnel in over a year or want to create a new one based off a validated product desiring to scale business through highly effective funnel strategy.

  • Funnel Strategy: Receive a custom funnel scaling strategy for your specific ideal customer.

  • One-Off Funnel Audit - Click here for more information.
  • Funnel Optimization: Transform your lead magnet or sales funnel into a high-converting opt-in and sales machine. (like 1.5-3X new opt-ins & sales)
  • Receive a step by step funnel strategy prioritizing what to work on first and information for your copywriter or designer to start on immediately. Along with a Funnel Metric Dashboard so you can see which part of the funnel needs optimizing in the future. 
  • And for select clients, DFY Landing page design & Conversion Rate Optimization changes.


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DIY Template Shop

I have offer(s) that are ready to hit it's 6 to 7 figure potential by honing in on the exact sales message/copy pieces missing in my current promotion.

 Don't see the exact container type you want support in? 

Email [email protected] to see if we can create a package based on your custom needs 

OR opt-in to the *secret menu* at the bottom of this page 👀

Book A Call
sales funnels & messaging for personal development brands: coach, course creator, e-commerce, kajabi expert, kajabi sales page template

Meet Danielle

Message & Funnel Scaling Strategist. Podcast Host. Meditator. Outdoorsy-ish Person and a Product of 3 Entrepreneur Parents.

A little more about me:

With teary eyes I whispered my last "goodbye, I love you" for the second time. Losing a second mom to cancer before I turned 18.

My late mom and step mom, both powerhouse women, entrepreneurs, and taken too soon. They are the driving force  - my Why, North Star.

Their battles with cancer instilled an unwavering commitment to helping more mission led business owners like them achieve their goals since more time is not guaranteed.

Despite early success with a thriving 6 figure paid ads & funnel agency, my relentless pursuit of productivity led to burnout and a year-long health crisis. Faced with chronic fatigue and brain fog, I delved into unconventional methods to reclaim my life.

From breath work to FODMAP to brain hacks, somatic work and more, I discovered a path to sustainable growth and healing.  Now, with 88% of my symptoms healed, I'm committed to helping businesses who are changing customer’s lives optimize their messaging to call in and convert more of who need their work just like I did.

sales funnels & messaging for personal development brands: coach, course creator, e-commerce, kajabi expert

Not seeing something within your budget?

We have a special menu of affordable services designed just for small businesses and solopreneurs! Enter your name and email to unlock exclusive offers and get a quick shot of clarity on your product or website for under $1,000. PLUS specific white label/partnership services for agencies.

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 The Two Critical Positioning Shifts that made Four Sigmatic an 8 Figure Fungi Company 🍄

From a morning ritual to a company with annual revenue of $61.7 million, according to Crunchbase.

  In this case study, we're breaking down the two positioning shifts that helped make this before 'hard to understand' mushroom brand into an 8 figure fungi company. Controlling a large marketshare of this estimated $2.71 billion Mushroom coffee market. And how they distilled those shifts into their marketing and sales assets (i.e. lead magnet, home page, ads). 

Take Me To the Case Study


Listen in on this week's episode...

 [Fall 2024] Per My Last Promo Podcast 

Each episode guides you through the different paths walked and lessons learned by fellow leaders, how they got through it, and tips that got them there.

Sprinkled in with a the cutting edge marketing strategy and a whole lot of heart.

Click your preferred Podcast Listening Platform below to listen to the latest value-packed episode.

Learn more about the podcast here.


sales funnels & messaging for personal development brands: coach, course creator, e-commerce, kajabi expert, kajabi sales page template





💼Client Case Study

‘Maybe Next Year’ Responses

I'll show you the exact process on how we shifted this common response in the free interactive client case study. Included is before / after sales pages, internal symptoms it was time for updated messaging  and  actionable prompts. 

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